This trip is easy if you only summit Grays, but adding Torreys will provide just enough up and down to make it interesting. In my opinion these two mountains offer the best summit views of any I have climbed.
This hike is off of I-70 near Loveland Ski Area. Take I-70 to exit 221 (Bakerville). Immediately off of the exit you should see the start of the road to the trailhead, just south of the interstate. The trailhead parking area is at the end of a very rough 3 mile long road. Although I see Honda Civics and Toyota Corollas in the parking lot from time to time, I personally wouldn’t recommend it. You really need a high clearance vehicle to minimize the chance of damage.
There is a parking lot immediately off of the interstate that many people choose to start from to avoid driving the rough road. This will add around 6 miles to your roundtrip hiking distance.
From the trailhead parking lot, expect the trip to take 6+ hours and cover around 8.5 miles. The trail forks as you get close to the mountains. Take the left fork to reach the summit of Grays. From Grays, a rough trail descends the peak, goes through the saddle between the two mountains, and up to Torreys. Return from Torreys via that same trail, but this time cross the snow field (it is almost always there) to descend back to the main trail at the fork. There are huge cairns and signs to help guide you in the event of GPS failure.