Naylor Lake, Guanella Pass, near Georgetown

posted in: Winter | 0
This track takes you to Naylor Lake in the Guanella Pass area, near Georgetown. This is an absolutely beautiful area in the middle of winter, a large frozen lake situated at tree line with tall alpine peaks all around. Take notice though that the lake and the immediate shore around the lake is private property. The tracks skirt along the side of the property line.   This trip is good to ascend on snowshoes and/or XC skis. There is alpine skiing beyond the lake if you have the skill and equipment to try it, but beware of avalanches.   This terrain is steep enough to snowshoe up and then Alpine ski, Snowboard, or Tele back down if you really want to have some fun.   Avalanche Danger: The avalanche danger along these tracks is low since it is in thick forest right up until the end. The trail ends near the lake in a low angle area that is also not prone to avalanche. IF you proceed past the tracks, you will definitely be in avalanche territory. You should not be there unless you are trained and experienced in avalanche safety and have the required equipment.   This download includes a track to take you along the drive from Georgetown up the Guanella Pass road, to the parking area 8.2 miles up the road where feet of fresh powder await you. This road is plowed during the winter but it gets a layer of hardpack on it, so make sure you have a vehicle that can handle the conditions. Also, there is road construction throughout the winter on this road, so you may have to stop in places where the road has been reduced to 1 lane. Delays can occur as crews sometimes need to block the road for short periods.

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